name: title-slide class: title-slide # Introductions ## & where I'm at ### <span style="color:white;">Gabriel Mateus Bernardo Harrington</span> ### Research Associate<br>Rebecca Sims group ### 2022-05-03 (updated: 2022-04-29) --- # Background .pull-left[
] .pull-right[ <img src="images/lancaster_uni_logo.jpg" width="60%" /><img src="images/cdt_site.png" width="60%" /> ] --- # Cohort database .pull-left[ - Series of cohorts Cardiff has been involved in recruiting - Rich phenotypic data - Problem: data not in a structure very amenable to analysis - Solution: create relational database to house data in a structure and well controllable manner - Used the free and open-source [PostgreSQL]( - General recommendations: - Spreadsheets are rubbish - Consider using relational databases for anything you actually care about, especially longer term projects and/or ones with lots of people inputting data ] .pull-right[ <img src="images/postgresql.jpg" width="60%" /><img src="" width="60%" /> ] --- # Whole exsome sequence data .pull-left[ - Inherited from Didi, she had done a lot of the initial file processing - Currently grappling with VCF file annotation via [Hail]( - Sample IDs also not matching phenotype data very well, see previous point regarding spreadsheets being rubbish - Building a lookup table, pending the remaining data coming from the field team - Data soon™ (I hope) ] .pull-right[ <img src="" width="80%" /> ] --- # Reproducible slides .pull-left[ - I made a little R package with a template for making slideshows with the DRI theme via RMarkdown/[xaringan]( - Nice ability to easily host slides online, see some of my presentations [here]( - Package can be found in this GitHub repo: [H-Mateus/dri.xaringan.theme]( - An example presentation using the DRI (in addition to what you're looking at) can be found [here]( ] .pull-right[ <img src="" width="70%" /> ] --- class: final-slide # Thanks for listening <br> .left[ <div style="color:skyblue;"> <span style="color:white;"><b>Gabriel Mateus Bernardo Harrington</b></span><br> <b>Research Assocaite</b><br> <b></b> </div> ] These slides can be found from the QR code below, or at this address:<br>[]( .pull-left[ <img src="images/slide_qr.png" width="50%" /> ]