SCI and the liver
Gabriel Mateus Bernardo Harrington
Created: 2021-02-01 Mon 14:07
How did I get here?
- First couple of papers found markers of liver function add value to predictions of neurological outcomes
- Proteomic work seems to suggest something similar
- As it turns out, there be literature about it as well
The livers response to trauma
SCI promotes chronic liver steatosis
Intuition + reading = ideas
- Difference prior to injury?
- pre-damaged liver due to lifestyle (drink/diet/etc)
- Genetics
- Damage to sympathetic and parasympathetic signalling (T7-T12)?
- “Leaky gut” -> microbiome bacteria + toxins in blood -> unhappy liver?
Potential future work
- Reanalyse “Yakult” study data
- RNA seq on patient bloods, validate proteomics and allow for pathway analysis
- Modelling of routine blood data from Glasgow trauma centre, validate initial modelling and compare bloods closer to initial injury