Quarto UKDRI Theme

Inspired by the R-Ladies theme

Research Associate | Williams Group


Example slide

Here is some text. The font is Arial (hex: #00326e). Here is another sentence with bold and italic text. Here is an example reference: (Baker and Escott-Price 2020)

  • Here is a bullet point
  • The font used is Arial and font size is 18px
  • Bullets are coloured hex: #0ac8ff

Inverted example slide

Here is some text. The font is Arial (hex: #00326e). Here is another sentence with bold and italic text. Here is an example reference: (Baker and Escott-Price 2020)

  • Here is a bullet point
  • The font used is Arial and font size is 18px
  • Bullets are coloured hex: #0ac8ff

Tabset example

Content here for tabset 1 :)

More content here, for tabset 2 :)

Incremental content


Use . . . to separate content as an incremental slide!

Examples with R code: Plots

## make a plot
ggplot(diamonds, aes(carat, price, colour = cut)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw() +

Examples with R code: Tables

## print table
diamonds %>%
  slice_sample(n = 10) %>%
  gt() %>%
  tab_header(title = md("**Table title**"), subtitle = md("A *subtitle*")) %>%
  tab_source_note("Here is some source information")
Table title
A subtitle
carat cut color clarity depth table price x y z
1.50 Very Good H SI1 62.9 57.0 8931 7.24 7.28 4.57
1.01 Very Good G SI1 62.8 56.0 5049 6.35 6.43 4.01
0.84 Good G VS1 63.6 57.0 3316 5.98 5.93 3.79
0.73 Premium F SI1 61.6 62.0 2346 5.76 5.71 3.53
1.27 Ideal J SI2 61.2 55.7 4931 6.95 6.99 4.27
1.50 Premium I SI1 62.3 58.0 6888 7.33 7.22 4.53
0.52 Ideal H VS1 61.4 56.0 1408 5.20 5.23 3.20
1.20 Premium H VS1 61.7 59.0 4838 6.78 6.74 4.17
0.70 Premium F SI1 61.3 59.0 2161 5.71 5.74 3.51
0.53 Ideal E VS2 61.4 56.0 1813 5.24 5.21 3.21
Here is some source information

Examples with R code: HTML Widgets

leaflet() %>% 
  addTiles() %>% 
  setView(-0.1371784166832623, 51.52405283300594, zoom = 17)

Examples with R code: HTML Widgets 2

DT::datatable(head(iris, 10), fillContainer = FALSE,
              options = list(pageLength = 6))

Example with R code: Math expressions

You can write LaTeX math expressions inside a pair of dollar signs, e.g. $\alpha+\beta$ renders \(\alpha+\beta\). You can use the display style with double dollar signs:



Diagrams with Mermaid!

Read about how to create a diagram in this post by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel.

flowchart LR
  A[qmd] --> B(Knitr)
  A[qmd] --> C(Jupyter)
  B(Knitr) --> D[md]
  C(Jupyter) --> D[md]
  D[md] --> E(pandoc)
  E(pandoc) --> F(HTML)
  E(pandoc) --> G(PDF)
  E(pandoc) --> H(Word)
  E(pandoc) --> I{and more}

Figure 1: How Quarto orchestrates rendering of documents: start with a qmd file, use the Knitr or Jupyter engine to perform the computations and convert it to an md file, then use Pandoc to convert to various file formats including HTML, PDF, and Word.

Exporting into PDF

You can use the function pagedown::chrome_print() to print the HTML version into a PDF!


Thanks for listening

Replace profile.png with the path to the pictures you’d like to use.

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Name (Position/Role)
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Baker, Emily, and Valentina Escott-Price. 2020. “Polygenic Risk Scores in Alzheimer’s Disease: Current Applications and Future Directions.” Frontiers in Digital Health 2: 14. https://doi.org/10.3389/fdgth.2020.00014.